Beer Freaks

Blaine DeLuca is Afraid of Nukes & We Drink Joseph James Citra Rye Pale Ale

Stu Haack / Blaine Deluca Season 1 Episode 1

Blaine is an industrial engineer, world traveler, and all around good dude. But he used to work for a nuclear power company. So his fear is about nuclear proliferation, especially considering Russia just bragged about launching new rockets that are impossible to shoot down. So to help get past this perfectly legit fear, we drink a few beers, including Joseph James Citra Rye and Lovelady 9th Island Pineapple Sour. Blaine's also got a super charming southern accent, so you might want to just listen for that and that alone.

Also, you'll notice that I call the show "Beer & Horrors." That was the original title. And it's funny, because if you say it fast, it sounds like... well, never mind. But, I was told be too many people close to me that they didn't like it, so I changed it to the new and improved Beer Freaks, which I think even more succinctly encapsulates what this show is about. 

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